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goddess much?

I guess that I’ve been considered a css goddess, and by association, I used goddess girl as the contridctory (goddesses usually are considered women, but I’m just a goddess girl because I’m not a full-blown goddess yet... make sense?) title at silveringrid. So this morning, I found a quiz: Which Goddess Are You?

Here’s what I found out. (apparently, I wasn’t feeling very passionate this morning when I took the test ... poor E will have to deal with a crampy kristine today instead of a passionate one!)

You scored 33.3% Hestia

If you embody the qualities of Hestia, you understand the value of having your own sacred place, whether it’s an actual room or simply a time of day when you free your mind of busy thoughts and experience peace of mind. There’s no doubt this place is at home—where you feel the most joy. Home is your sanctuary. You are at home with yourself wherever you are, though, and no matter whom you are with. You know that the meaning of your life springs from your spiritual center. This brings you a great sense of security. You do not crave attention or material possessions; you nurture your friends and family with your unconditional love.

You scored 33.3% Demeter

If you fit the Demeter archetype, you are a nurturer and caretaker. You have a generous heart and enjoy extending your love to others. You are motivated by the most powerful of instincts—to give life—and selflessly devote yourself to the life you create. You feel compelled to care for all those around you, even if they are not your own children. In short, you feel the need to be all things to all people and, therefore, your own needs sometimes go unmet. You must learn to say no, and apply Artemis’s sense of boundaries and Aphrodite’s ability to put herself first. That way, you can give to others from an overflowing rather than a half-full cup.

You scored 25% Persephone

You scored 8.3% Athena

You scored 0% Artemis

You scored 0% Hera

You scored 0% Aphrodite

Thank you, Amy, for the link smile

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