so many posts
so many posts, so little time... my brain is full of so many things to blog about after a few days of being sick. I’m running out of steam tonight quickly. I’ve gotten a lot done between work and other stuff, but the time is flying so fast!
From midnight to about 1:30 tends to be a really productive time of night for me. E’s usually asleep, so its quiet and I tend to concentrate well on what I’m doing. Or concentrate on something not as productive, whatever the case may be. (tonight, I read feeds for quite a while. )
I’ve been pretty sick this week. But the ickyness seems to be calmed down towards the end of the day. I went a whole 1.5 hour conference call without coughing or blowing my nose, and I was so impressed with myself. My mom and Megan were both sick last weekend, so I tried to stay away for the most part, but apparently not far enough away. I’m so hoping that Sarah and Leah didn’t get this bug!
I haven’t even barely realized how close it is until my birthday. Usually, I’m bouncing up and down with a countdown for E when he gets home for a few weeks beforehand, but I didn’t even get a blog countdown going until last night! Its on Sunday.
My drugs are starting to kick in, so I’m gonna go plant myself on the couch for 15-20 minutes and play until I start to fall asleep. More tomorrow, I’m sure!!
I hope you feel better by the time your bday comes around, that wouldn’t be fun. I tend to be the same way during the weekends, I can work all night but then I’ll sleep all day and mess up my schedule. Feel better soon!
Posted by: Carla | April 23, 2004 10:52 AM
I love it when it’s time for my birthday. Happy early birthday to you!

Posted by: Kymberlie R. McGuire | April 23, 2004 05:00 PM
You’ll be getting an Amazon package from me, but I think it will be late for your birthday. We’ll just extend the celebrating into a birthday week.
Posted by: Brandy | April 24, 2004 12:14 AM