cfids fibro GIFT
CFIDS/Fibromyalgia Self-Help - Surviving the Holidays
Does the thought of another holiday season fill you with joyful anticipation or overwhelm you with fear and dread? The average person considers the holidays at least somewhat stressful. For people with fibromyalgia, who are already struggling to cope with daily life in general, the added demands and stresses of the holidays can trigger a flare of fibromyalgia symptoms. While you may not be able to totally avoid all stress, you can reduce your stress level significantly by giving yourself a G.I.F.T.
Gift is an acronym for Guilt Must Go, Importance Rules, Family Matters, and Think Ahead. Great article, with good advice for anyone dealing with too much stress over the holidays.

That’s fantastic advice! One thing working in retail has taught me is that Christmas is stressful. And that dealing with stressed out people is very stressful!
I hope you’re keeping well.
Posted by: sarah | December 8, 2003 12:53 AM
thanks k, this is a great article. i am going to print it out and put it on my bulletin board as a good reminder.
Posted by: jane | December 8, 2003 04:51 AM