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scripting: hourly

Just sharing a few things I’ve done lately... Is it possible to somehow make hourly archives? I spent the evening a few days ago figuring this out because I love this kind of a challenge. smile by request of Dyanna, but it could be used for anybody doing the blogathon. smile


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» more blogathon code from kadyellebee
To go along on the same theme with my scripting: hourly post the other day... Girlie posted a great tutorial... [Read More]


You’re a superstar!!! Thanks again, cutie! You do so much to make things easier for so many people, and I do hope you know how much you’re appreciated. I hope you’re doing well today! *hugs* luvya

I hate to ask here, but no one on scriptygoddess has helped...sad My drop down comments and extended entries are not working...I posted stuff from my templates over there...can you puhleeze help me figure out why it’s not werking?

http://www.scriptygoddess.com/archives/001140.php is the link...

I think that its possible that your first script tag in your header needs to be closed, and then that will make the other scripts work...
change it to this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/styleswitcher.js"></script>

Hmmm. I just have a "blogathon" category, and that seems to work pretty well. You really do have to work hard to post as much as is required in the Blogathon, I can’t imagine posting so many times you’d need an hourly archive. But hey, to each their own! flower

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