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Update on Leah - even with the anti-seizure meds, she’s still had some little seizures, so they’ve upped her dosage, and Leonard says it just makes her even more drowsy than she was. Sarah’s 48 hours in the hospital were up at 8:25 tonight, so Leonard and her are at home sleeping for the night. I’m so worried, just thinking about little Leah there all by herself all hooked up to machines tonight with nobody around who loves her makes tears come to my eyes again.

Oh, and because I didn’t say yesterday (I did have a post about it, but it got eaten in the server transfer) - I did get to meet Leah and even rocked her in the rocking chair for at least an hour. We (Megan and I) spent 4 or so hours at the hospital hanging out and doing stuff for Sarah and talking to Leah while she slept! She is beautiful. Absolutely perfect, with dark hair already, and soft soft skin. She barely ever cried, and made the most beautiful coo-ing noises. She has little tiny fingers and toes and her feet are bigger than any of ours were - they had her footprints on a pink sheet of paper next to the door. Megan and me brought wild flowers to their room after lunch, and they were so pretty.

So I’ve been trying to do some projects to keep my mind busy. I spent a while doing some stuff on the mt-plugins site. I even played with A’s search plugin ideas and that worked out nicely smile

I’m hungry. I don’t know what I want to eat, though, so I think I’ll wait and eat in the morning. We are almost out of milk, though, so that will make it hard to have breakfast. Maybe we’ll go out for breakfast. I’m still pretty sore from yesterday when I did too much.

I tried to get caught up on my news reads - somehow, newzcrawler lost track of everything since the 3rd, and so I had to go through and mark tons of stuff as read. confused

I have plugin manager stuff to work on, and other stuff (including making sure my host gets Blogstyles working again - it got shuffled into the wrong place in the move). But I think for now, I’m gonna go sit on the couch and flip through channels and see if I can find something fun to watch until I get sleepy. goodnight sleep


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Leah and her mom and day and aunt are on our prayer list, love. Take gentle care, and try not to worry too much. luvya

How awful. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Aren’t newborns precious? Even now I find myself drinking Jake in because I know there will come a day when he’s racing out the door for a date or a party with friends and my little boy will be all grown up. Enjoy your time with little Leah. It goes fast.


I hope little Ms. Leah is doing better. smile

sock sock < - baby booties wink

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