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ftp questions

I have a question. What FTP program do you use?

I’ve been using LeechFTP for almost as many years as I’ve had a website. E recommended it when I was first starting out, and its a great (free) little program, and its got nice threaded downloading and uploading, which makes for speedyness.

But lately, I’ve been getting more error screens with LeechFTP (it swears at me in German, I swear!), and so I’ve kinda been looking for something else. I wouldn’t mind paying for a program if I got something with good features and still is speedy.

So I’d love to hear any suggestions, comments, etc. smile Thanks in advance

Here’s the one that I’ve researched so far...

Back a few months ago, Nick mentioned FTP Voyager on the TopStyle blog, and I tested it out, and loved some of the features. I love that it integrates a bit with TopStyle (when you click edit in FTPVoyager, it opens the file in TS, and when you save it, FTPV pops up a screen wanting to know if you want to upload the changed file!). I liked that it had tree-style browsing for both the local and remote files. I really liked that it would stay logged on (or in some sort of standby mode) and keep which directory I was in last up for easy uploads over a longer period of time than Leech would keep me online. But I’m not sure if FTPV is using threaded uploads/downloads; I didn’t find where to change that yet.


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» FTP Results from Ramblings of a Code Monkey
I must thank you all for your comments yesterday in regards to your FTP client of choice. It's definitely helped to have other people's opinions on the subject. I know for a fact that I didn't know about some... [Read More]

» FTP Results from Ramblings of a Code Monkey
I must thank you all for your comments yesterday in regards to your FTP client of choice. It's definitely helped to have other people's opinions on the subject. I know for a fact that I didn't know about some... [Read More]


I don’t know what OS you’re using, but here are the FTP programs I usually use:
On Mac OS X: Transmit. Sometimes I use Fetch, but Transmit has been doing the job for me.
On Windows: WSFTP Pro, or the built-in command-line ftp program. WSFTP is the basis (look & feel) for programs like Transmit on the Mac.
Unix/Linux: the built-in ftp capabilities.

I use SmartFTP. I’m not that experienced in the wide variety of FTP progs, but SmartFTP got good reviews before I downloaded it, and it does just fine for me.

I use FlashFXP (http://www.flashfxp.com) and I will stand by it - it’s a great little program. You can dl a free trial from the website, it’s only $30 to register, and all future software upgrades are included, which is nice. flower

I am using WS_FTP Pro. It’s got drag & drop capability, which I really like. smile

I have used: Smart FTP, Absolute, Leech, WS and now I’m using Cute Pro, which I love. It allows me to edit files in the program and opens a new tab up for it if I want. I didn’t like Leech as it seemed to put some code in here and there. WS, Smart and Absolute would lock up a lot.

I was using CuteFTP for awhile, but I have since discovered SmartFTP. It easy to use, full of features, and is free for personal use.

I have always used WS_FTP for my FTP client. I got used to it at work 10 years ago and have never used anything else! smile

I used to use FlashFXP, but then I switched to SmartFTP, and I really like it. smile

I used to use WS-FTP but now I use FileZilla. I like it a lot better. No funky sounds to worry about disabling. Easy interface. And it seemed to crash less back when we had our perma-FTP-troubles.

I use CuteFTP, and I’ve used it for as long as I can remember... I like it much better than WS-FTP which I tried for about 1 hour sometime last year.

Another WS_FTP user here... or the command line works great, too.

I’ve been using CuteFTP for the past five years and I’ve been very satisfied. When I’m using a Mac, I prefer Transmit.

I’m another CuteFTP user; I really like it (tried WS_FTP and several others) - I’d give it a thumbs-up! I have to admit, if Doc likes SmartFTP, I’s be tempted to check it out.

I second Transmit... it’s the best mac FTP client. rainbow

I am another happy SmartFTP user. I have been using it for a year now, and I manage five completely sepreate domains. It is extremly easy to switch between accounts and the price was deffinetly right for trying it out.

I’ve tried Smart and Cute, but always come back to WSFTP Pro. Been using it for years, and I guess I don’t like change. Does everything I need it to!

I have been using ncftp, works on Windows and Linux. Sure it is a command line, but more powerful that the built in ftp. If I want to send a directory to the server I do: put -R nameofdir and up and all the sub directories go. www.ncftp.org. I still have Leech though smile

last time I went to download WS_FTP I got redirected to a new project they’re apparently working on called Doozler. I highly recommend it! It’s by far my favorite FTP program now! http://www.doozler.com/

I use BulletProof FTP (http://www.bpftp.com). Cheap and rock solid!

I’ve been using Cute FTP Pro and Cute FTP for many moons now. I like Cute FTP Pro alot, it never fails on me, I can do multiple connects within the screen. Which if I decide to upload to any one of my 5 web sites at the same time I can and usually do weekly. It’s not one of the cheaper items but I can do my php, or html editing within also when I’m browsing through my server. I like it and would recommend it. www.cuteftp.com

on OSX, I use Fetch.. on WINME it’s CuteFTP (both pro versions)

I use both WS_FTP and AceFTP Pro. I love AceFTP Pro because it is free and works really well. You just have to fill out a short form to get a registration code. You can get it here.

check I’ll chime in with the CuteFTP vote. I have been using it for years now smile

I’ve used Leech FTP ever since my trial version of Cute ran out. I’ve never had any problems with it, other than trying to figure out when it’s cussing at me in German tounge out: I think I downloaded WS once but never found it as friendly as Leech has been for me. I’m gonna look up that doozler one, though. :book:

Seems like the only ones rep’d here are Cute, WS, Bullet & leech...you should try FileZilla which is a wonderful, robust, open-source FTP proggy.

Give it a shot...you wont be dissappointed.

I’ve been using LeechFTP for a couple of years by now and I still love it. I’ve never had any problems with it - I can’t even get it to hassle me in German! confused

Windows: I was using FTP Voyager (standard build at work) but switched to SecureFX from Van Dyke Tech. More features than can believed: works within ssh; open multiple sites & transfer between them. Not free.

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