happy monday!
Its a great day for some Participation Postives!!
Breathing deeply - fresh air and soft sunshiney mornings are so nice! And wonderful lillithy music makes a great companion. :music:
I am still pretty sore, but I’ve gotten less sore over each day of the weekend, so that’s a good sign. I’ve been doing some streching this morning, and I hope to get to the mailbox today again
I rigged up a bulletin board by the stairs with shower curtain rings and needles in the wall for minimum wall hurtage. I’m gonna put notes on it about how I’m doing. I need to find some push pins, though, as I only see one, and that’s not so helpful! Its a half dry-erase/half bulletin board, so I dug out my pretty dry erase markers. I have a purple one, even And the spot on the dry erase board that was too gunky to get off, I put a daffodil sticker on. :giggle: I’m such a silly girl! Oh, and I stuck Lisa ’s Eureka! card up for extra encouragement.
So all happy stuff! I hear E coming home for lunch, and I’m gonna make me a beautiful chicken salad sandwich with apples for me, I do believe. Yuuuuummmmmmm.