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fonts for today

I have a feeling I’m gonna have to make a fonts category, as I’m posting updates so frequently. Maybe I’ll call the category "fonts or links to torture miss m'lissa " wink

Font Diner has 2 new free fonts up! Luvable and Huggable smile
Fontface’s Font of the Day is back, after a absense for a few weeks.


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Luvable and Huggable have found a new home on my computer. smile Thanks for letting us know!

You’re just harsh girlie.

You better buy me a new hard drive for my birthday, since this one is almost full with fonts because of you!


I had actually wondered where they went. I kept checking and checking, and there were no updates. I was afraid they were going away. Yay! More fonts to download.

I think I’m going to have to contact E to find out your weaknesses... What is it? Craft links? Recipes? Hmmm? ;)

Ooh, fonts! Thanks for the links. smile

Ahh! What’re you trying to do, fill my HDD to capacity?! The things is, you post links to GOOD font sites, not crappy ones that I can safely pass up! smile

Thanks for the links!

yes please! i would LOVE a fonts category. this is the first place i come when i need font inspiration, so a whole category would be great . . . and would totally use up all of my spare time. thanks! smile

Ooh, fonts, I loooove fonts smile

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