Do What You Are notes
I wrote up my almost-2 pages of notes from reading Do What You Are, a book I read about personality type. Its a book that’s been on my wish list for a while, and I found it listed at the library, so I requested it.
The notes are mainly about being an ISTJ, but I’d be happy to share more if anyone else would like info about their personality type. (Hint, if you don’t know your personality type, you might check out Bloginality).
I was most interested in learning about the Dominant and Auxilary functions, and how personalities mature over age (I’m in the age group of developing my 3rd function, Feeling).
It was such an interesting book, and I didn’t even really take notes on the Job-perspective of the book. I’d totally recommend it.
Leave me a comment if you want any more info about your expanded personality type (more than what is already up at Bloginality )
I’d love to know more about INTJ.
Posted by: Kymberlie R. McGuire | January 6, 2003 04:52 PM
Me too, please.
Posted by: Lisa, Gal of Unix | January 6, 2003 05:10 PM
Excellent book! I checked it out from the library and finally bought myself a copy several months ago. Learning about my personality type was one of the best things I could’ve ever done for myself. It has literally helped put a lot of who I am into words. And made me feel not so crazy.
Posted by: Kathy | January 6, 2003 05:34 PM
Thanks for the book suggestion! I love these kinds of personality tests. Until I got married, I always came out as INFJ, but I’ve been testing as a ISFJ for the last 6 years. I guess I was in the middle of N and S and just fell over on the other side as I got older.
Posted by: Brandy | January 6, 2003 06:18 PM
I’d like to know more about INTP, Kristine.
Thanks in advanced!
Posted by: Jaya | January 6, 2003 06:28 PM
Yay! Another INTP! I’m not alone! ;)
Posted by: GeekGrrl | January 6, 2003 07:52 PM
I’m an INFP - that sounds really interesting! But, if it’s too much work, don’t worry about it!
Posted by: Cheryl | January 6, 2003 08:26 PM
Seems I’m the only extraverted personality so far?
Half the time I take the test (the long version, not the bloginality version) I get ENTP and half the time I get ESTP. This makes sense though because I take in information any way I can get it, both by reasoning and instinct. I’m always looking to find more information about this personality type stuff, I find it absolutely fascinating.
Posted by: rickie beth | January 6, 2003 08:43 PM
Seems I’m the only extraverted personality so far?
Half the time I take the test (the long version, not the bloginality version) I get ENTP and half the time I get ESTP. This makes sense though because I take in information any way I can get it, both by reasoning and instinct. I’m always looking to find more information about this personality type stuff, I find it absolutely fascinating.
Posted by: rickie beth | January 6, 2003 08:44 PM
ENFP. Your total opposite. Is that funny or what? But we have the K/Christine connection! I would love to hear more on what it says about me!
Posted by: Christine | January 6, 2003 11:42 PM
Nope rickie beth, you’re not the only extraverted personality—I’m an ENFP. Quite unfortunate for the people that love me of course. LOL! Maybe we should start some kind of personality webring for each of the 16 types Kristine-a-ling?
Posted by: Kathy | January 6, 2003 11:48 PM
Kristine, have you ever thought of getting qualified professionally to do MBTI administrations and counseling related thereof? I have several friends in that business, and they’ve found it quite worthwhile, especially with their own understanding of the instrument and its practice in daily life.
Posted by: Claire | January 7, 2003 08:35 AM
Hey! I’m an ISTJ! Send notes! Please!
Posted by: Faith | January 7, 2003 08:36 AM