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dots of light

weird dream thoughts...

I had odd dreams that made me wake up feeling all cold and odd. The part that woke me up was when someone was looking at me, they said I was made up of little pinpricks of light, but dark inside. Kinda like a Christmas lawn ornament that has lights all around to make it look like a shape.

Also, I was in this mall with some girls and my mom. I don’t know who the girls were, but apparently, I was in this mall a lot, because there was a little section of my things on display for people to look at. Silly stuff, like toys from childhood—and toys I never had like a pink semitruck—Barbie size. :giggle: And on the top of this display was a bunch of heart shaped coins. And a check from my best friend in high school that had her picture on it and so I never cashed it because I wanted to see her. I got tears in my dream when I found that again.

So many weird things all combined. Makes me feel all spacey and confused because there’s no way I understand this one!


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