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strike tag

This is SUCH a geeky post. I’m excited about HTML tags. LOL, if this is totally uninteresting to you, just ignore ;)

So my to do lists have been helping me. And when I complete a task, I use a <strike> tag to check it off. But when I was reading Jennifer’s thoughts on the Sidebar: "To Do" List at Etc., she used the <s> tag to do the same thing. I hadn’t ever seen that tag before!

So I did a bit of searching and found w3schools.org’s information on it, which suggested using <del> instead. This tag has some neato attributes - you can use cite to give a URL that would explain why the text is being striked off, or datetime to show when it ws deleted. It has a counterpart tag, <ins>, which allows you to show the opposite (displaying the text as underlined).

That’s just neato. Makes me want to put together a separate to-do blog and use MTMacros to easily update with these tags!!! smile


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference strike tag:

» Good Things from Broken Down
So many good things discovered today, leaves me feeling good. There's the Holiday Film Exchange over at Photojunkie.org, which should [Read More]

» I'm on strike! from Life in the Zu
I thought this was enormously useful information. Whenever I use the strike tag in HomeSite, it chastises me because strike [Read More]


Interesting! I can’t wait to see your creation! smile

Wow... I’ve been relying on the <strike> too... and I use it a lot! (Just read any of my recent journal entries- the archives of which are now nicely calender-ed thanks to your tutorial wink Thanks so much for the heads up!!!

I’ve wondered why you hadn’t done this already, maybe turned it into a sidebar yourself. I’ve even wanted to do this, making my blog more of a human control panel or agenda... whatever you want to call it. smile

i’ve been using a MS Word file that’s saved onto my desktop. i have seperate colors for the different classes that i have to do stuff for, and it’s been working out really well for me. it’s also a plus that i don’t have to rely on my not-so-reliable internet connection in order to check stuff out, and cross stuff off.

I know that strike was deprecated in HTML 4.0, but I hadn’t realized what it’s replacement was... you are full of interesting and useful information.

I couldn’t get the to do plugin to work, but then I keep a paper one on my desk, anyway... it’s therapeutic for me to write it out fresh every couple of days.

I’m also a notebook addict. I’ve got one for recipes and one for crafts, and then another one that I keep a to-do list and other notations—websites I want to check out and searches I want to try. I’m a freak, I know.

Off topic but you don’t know a tag that works like the "acronym" tag or the "option" tag in both IE 6.0 for Windows and 5.2 for Mac?

When it comes to HTML or anything else remotely related to web design, we are all geeks at heart (just like you).

I use a combination of paper--a little black book that stores a list of things to-do, which is mostly for my RL life, and a txt file on my desktop that has a list of things relating to my computer that I want/need to do. I delete each line as it gets done, which gives me a sense of permanence, of completion. smile