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« hair dye | Main | coding girl! »


I’ve been playing with code this morning. Some MT code, some DHTML for a contracting menu thingy I want to make work, and a few other things. Nothing too exciting!

Oh, and last night, I put together some info on styleswitchers (tee hee) at SG.

I’m boring ;)


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I don’t think you’re boring. I think you’re cool. smile

Hey Kymberlie,
I did some work on my blog too today. take a look. but what did I do wrong to get weather pixie all the way down at bottom of my blog? Email me if you get a chance.


You’re not boring, you’re my hero!! If only I had the time! smile

I want to die my hair like kelly clarkson on the cd thoughtful. I think thats the one but, i’m debating wheather or not how mney colors she has in her hair. I’m not sure so what do i do?

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