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This is a major cross-post ;) I just put up an image at Snap of the Turtle candies I made for my dad, and posted the recipe at TheRedKitchen.

My dad has always told us this story, and I’ll try to give the short version: When him and his brothers were little, they were involved in a church fundraiser to buy a record player for their sunday school room. They were selling caramel turtles, but the first shipment came and it had white dots on it because they’d gotten cold. So they reported it to the people, and they said they’d come take care of it and get them some new candies. But the new shipment came, and no one every came to get the bad candies.
So the boys decided they could eat them. They had boxes and boxes full of tins of these turtles. So dad says that they would come home from school and eat a whole tin of candies each! And they did this for days and weeks until they finally were gone!!!

So I found the recipe to make them and immediately thought of dad’s story smile So he got a tin full of caramel turtles for his 50th birthday from me.

Oh, and I made a cool label for the front of the box - I cut this out and rounded the corners and attached it to a green tin. It looked cool!


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that is super cool kristine......i love the label.....and i love family togetherness......there isn’t enough of that anymore today....everyone has suddenly become plugged into the busy life to stop and appreciate their families really......then in the end when its all said and done.....when someone passes away......we realize how short of time we have........i think its a very sweet gift......god bless you.....


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