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HOT and dreams and todos

It didn’t cool down much while I slept - its still 66 and its 5:30 in the freakin' morning. Its supposed to be 91 - 96 today. Oh why oh why did I decide to work a long day? I haven’t lost the heat headache from yesterday yet.

I had another night of vivid dreams. Not nearly as nice as the one I had saturday night, where I worked with zalary in a fudge shop smile No, this one last night had to be me flunking college again. And my whole family was there. Hmmm, so were a bunch of high school friends, and I think Buffy and Angel too. :giggle: And Megan had a super cool room in the end of the dorm. So odd.

So its time to wake up E. Maybe I’ll take a little nap before I start on my list....

move the chairs into the kitchen.
put desk chairs in the closet
move coffee table to entryway --not enough room!
leave note w/work photonumber for cleaning guy --never mind
drink lots of water—brought 2 pops and a large thing of water
write up some of talk with dad
write Laurie to confirm she got the graphics
call and remind Lisa that she’s getting me early
take pictures of clean house
write positives


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Good luck with your dad today!

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