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long day

this has been a long boring day. I’ve tried hard to work on my projects, but everything didn’t want to cooperate. So I sat here, staring and waiting for the printer to be free for some of the afternoon. Beyond that, I’ve been drinking tons and visiting the girls room lots too. I had about a 5cup water bottle filled up with filter water and then a 3 cup bottle filled with orange juice. Besides that, I had 2 large glasses of orange juice this morning ;) So I’m all liquidy and stuff :giggle: I better get well soon!!! smile My mouth STILL tastes like that dang zinc lozenge. I feel all metally sad

I’ve been surfing the MT boards and trying to help out where I can. I sent in my satisfied customer email, too smile I hope to make my next graphics sets include MT templates smile I haven’t even had time to barely think about designing since mid-december, though! I do have some ideas, though ;) As always. I looked through a catalog last night, and the colors of the background just jumped off at me. I want to do some soft springy stuff now! beautiful pinks and blues and greens and turn them into beautiful workable designs. ahhhh....

I tweaked with my main skin to have the info I put on my newest white css skin. That makes me happy smile

Now I’m just sitting here waiting for my boy to come and take me away. I’m tempted to ask him to take me to dinner somewhere.... we’ll see if it works ;)

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