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last night

I was just giddy with happiness by the time I got home last night. I helped Megan a whole bunch with her research... I realized that I wasn’t looking for Lodine, but EYE-odine LOL! That really helped me out smile So then we found out that Iodine-131 was the nuclearchemical that was used to treat thyroid cancer, and the info just snowballed from there - we found TONS of great stuff. So I felt SO good for being a part of something. I simply adore helping my friends research, because I always come away from it feeling like I contributed to something more than my life. and I’m a damn-good researcher, anyhow ;) I should be a writing coach. Someone who helps new researchers focus on how to look for resources and then forces them to outline :giggle: What kind of job would that be good for?!

So then E came early (yay!) and made me drive to Safeway (like 5 miles!) and I haven’t driven for probably a month, but we didn’t crash, even though it was dark smile And we shopped, very happily, and I giggled all of the way through the store and told him scattery babbley stories. I got happy food for me, like yummy cereal, and the starts to a few new recipes I want to try (which I need to email his mom about! I’ve had them at her house and now that we have lots of vegemeat, I want to start figuring out more recipes to make smile )

Happily and giggley coming home, ate a happy meal, and got to talk and play for a little while before the video for the FX Buffys was over - watched the last episode of Season 2, which is SO good, eventhough its SO sad. And then happily to bed I went, all cuddley and snuggley and fell straight asleep smile

I woke up with a start at 1:45, though - I think I even gasped, but maybe it was my imagination because E didn’t move at all. I don’t know what I was dreaming of, so oh well!

Its pretty amazing to me that I had some specific projects I wanted to work on last night, and even though I didn’t touch them, I still was really happy with my evening. Yay smile So I still have some specific projects to work on, but maybe I’ll get to them today smile Time to go back and take a futon-nap until 5 - that gives me almost 2 more hours of napping to get in before I have to get in the shower and wake E up at 5:30. Its an early day, but its also a Tuesday, which I love. Why? Its a big-buffy-night, and I’m SO very excited smile And hopefully, work will be okay today smile

happy morning, my lovelies!!!!!

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