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mental health day 1

good morning, my readers smile

This is my first day off where I’ve been at home alone and not sick all year long. I’m starting a new schedule where I won’t be working on wednesdays until there is an emergency or a specific reason. This is to help give me a break from the depression and anxiety that presses around me when I am at work.

Although yesterday was consumed by sorrow and scares, I don’t want to spend my entire day in front of the tv. This won’t help anyone. Like I told Zal last night, I need to see what I can do to help (give blood) and then Let go and Let God. I am anxious to see what the next step for our country (and its allies) will be, because I know that could personally impact me more than the activies of yesterday did. I know that my prayers will be going up for everyone already involved, for those making decisions about what will happen next, and for everyone who will be involved in this crisis in the days to come.

So I have some plans for the day. I want to get some things in order. Cleaning, moving things, and organizing. I want to give some time to myself. Time in prayer, yoga, and reading. I’d like to give some time to others. Chats with friends, creating some pictures to help give peace to friends, and post some reflective things here and on si. Overall, I’m planning a day alone but in a positive light since this is the first day alone. So cautious happiness is alive in my heart - cautious from yesterday, and happy because I’ll be doing things which will give me a revived hope.

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