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Amy Grant and Vince Gill

Wow, I am kinda flabbergasted.

I just turned on the TV and heard the distinctive voice of Amy Grant. I’ve watched and listened to her for years - her The Collection CD was the first my family bought when we got our CD player. I really admired her for many years because of her faith at a time that faith was super-important to me. When I heard that her and Gary Chapman had split up, I was very sad. She seemed so full of love when I had seen them before, and her Christianity lead me to believe that she was strong enough to work out her problems because of her faith.... So anyhow, when I turned on the TV, there she was on Rosie’s show, Pregnant, and with Vince Gill, the father of her baby. I had no idea.... It just makes me sad to see someone who made herself an icon of Christian music for so many years, with a family and ex-husband who was also so public in Christian music.... and now to be so public with a new relationship with another public figure and a new pregnancy? Wow.

I guess my faith isn’t the same as it used to be anyhow, but I was too trusting in the icons that I choose to look up to.


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It makes me sad, too...at least she married Vince Gill before having his kid, though. I bought her Christmas cd that came out last year, and most of the songs are about Santa, and "spending more than what we’ve got, but so what?" ...it’s just a very different Amy Grant than the one I admired growing up. But, it just goes to show that none of us are perfect. I’m just glad I don’t have to live in the limelight.

As Christian we should not be judging either one of them. I am very happy for Amy and Vince. They haven’t changed as people just their lives have and from what I can see they are very much in love.

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