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I am so addicted to

I am so addicted to The Spark. LOL Over a few tests, here’s what they say about me:

Submissive Introvert Concrete Feeler :
Like just 11% of the population you are a HELPER WHO FINDS MISSING CHILDREN OVER THE INTERNET (SICF). You are very tentative in the world and introverted with people--which means you are the shy and silent type. Hence the Internet. But behind your reserved exterior lies a dedicated person with a passion for the concrete truth who wants to, in his heart of hearts, help find missing children. God bless you. [Personality]

We like you. You’re fun. [Big Fat Liar test, from Meet the Parents]

2,756 women agreed with you, and chose "David Duchovny" as the best sex option of all time. (This is less than half who went for Seth Green, and two thirds less than who went with James Dean. LOL )

You are 44% un-intelligent. Here is the custom report of your personality that led our team of geeks to conclude (with confidence) that you are a sad and hopeless excuse for a woman: "The subject shows a very high level of intelligence, and her sense of observation is one of her best qualities. Considering this, she shows a lot of potential, but that’s only part of the equation. "Also, as much as we hate violence, an occasional mauling is one way to solve day-to-day problems like unpleasant coworkers or pesky door-to-door salesmen; she just isn’t tough enough, sir, and she avoids any solution that involves iolence. "Finally, the subject displayed a poor (and a little bit boring) sense of humor, a decent and respectable sense of morality, and a lack of self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals." [Unintelligence test]

Darn. <.g>


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