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There are quite a few

There are quite a few people who I visited yesterday in bloggerland that eloped or are thinking about it! You know, I thought about it for a split second at one point, but I have always had wonderful dreams for my wedding. I want to wear a big dress and feel like a princess. I want to walk down the aisle and see the look on Eric’s face when he sees me in my dress for the first time. I want to have my family there to celebrate with me. I want the opportunity to decorate the beautiful octagon church so it looks like its covered with the touch of an angel-fairy with tulle and flowers and happiness. I want to leave in a cloud of bubbles for a week of relaxation. Sure, eloping could save me tons of money, stress, and several hours of blushing with everyone starring at me, but I am enjoying my planning and thoughts smile This is not to make any of the aforementioned people feel bad, just my personal thoughts on what you said smile


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