October 2010 Archives

We played a new game this evening, World Without End. It was really fun. To add to my enjoyment, the songs that came up on my randomized "livingroom" play list were super. Here's what we heard (newest at the end):

comp book

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it's back to school time and you'd think I'd be able to find a composition book. but oh no, I'm picky. the one I have is almost full - I use it for online classes and general crafty notes. I can't find any this brand (Tops). I can't find any that are grid + light enough to be not distracting. I have found a few spiral that were okay colored grid, but spiral would eat my yarn if they are in the same bag. I've looked at many stores, and then revisited Office Max and Office Depot today.  perhaps I need to learn to book bind and get some of the grid paper that we used in Pre-Calc and make that work. hmm, I sense a google search coming on...


...at a glance

kristine is a giggly geeky crafty girl, growing in faith and hope.