February 2010 Archives

podcast fun

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Over the last few months, I've been adding a few new podcasts to listen to.  I've been wanting to make a list to share of the ones I enjoy.  I'm currently tracking my podcasts on the blog on the craft column at kadyellebee.

  • Knit Picks: the first podcast I listened to and it's consistently good with a nice mix of Knit Picks info, interviews, techniques, and lately we've heard more from other employees. podcast site, iTunes link, @KnitPicks
  • Stash and Burn: found this before I started knitting because I worked with the husband of one of the hosts.  This is a great multiple-person podcast.  I have been introduced to a lot of new yarns and patterns here, in a pre-ravelry world!  They also have a love of similar TV to me, and so that adds a nice touch.   podcast site, iTunes link, @stashandburn
  • Ready Set Knit: this is the podcast for the husband-wife owners of Webs, and it's an actual radio segment in their area.  It's nice and short and a nice little burst to keep me up on what is new in the yarn world.  The interviews are usually quite interesting without dragging because Kathy keeps them moving.  I'm not always as into Pixie's segment, but I'm sure it's helpful to some.  podcast site, iTunes link, @websyarnstore
  • The Knitmore Girls: found this mother-daughter team at Sock Summit, and they are delightful.  They have a very nicely structured podcast, and they are passionate about their knitting and spinning.  They are in Southern CA and it's fun to hear the great places they go visit.  podcast site, iTunes link, @knitmoregirls
  • Brass Needles: Miss Kalendar is not just a knitter, she's a scifi buff.  She's my first real introduction to steampunk and she does faires all dressed up. I first learned of Erin from The Knitmore Girls.  podcast site, @Miss_Kalendar
  • The Manic Purl: Chrissy the great :)  Although her podcast is a little longer than I normally fit into my schedule, I find some great nuggets of info.  And it's fun to hear her Vancouver accent!  She has some Online Finds that she spotlights that are nice to explore.  podcast site, iTunes link, @manicpurl
  • KIPing it Real: Jackie has a very nice voice to listen to.  She's from Missouri, and both knits and spins.  podcast site, iTunes link, blog, @KnitsAndWiggles
  • Knitted Spoon: Knitting and vegetarian food and family.  Her husband joins her on occasion, and I enjoy that.  The Manic Purl podcast introduced me to her.  podcast site, iTunes link, @knittedspoon
  • StitchIt!: Meghan is someone I've newly found, and even though she's on a sabbatical right now, her podcast was really interesting.  She had some really good thoughts for making 2010 be better for herself.  podcast site, iTunes link, @itsjustmeghan
  • KnitCents: KIPing it Real introduced me to this new podcast.  Rachel gives tips for making your knitting budget count. podcast site, iTunes link, @Roue0824
  • Periodically, I watch some video podcasts like CRAFT podcast, Etsy, and Let's Knit Together
If you are interested in following all of these people at once on Twitter, I have a podcast list with them all.

meal plans: 2-21-2010

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It's Sunday, and even though it isn't the normal grocery day, E is working late tomorrow so we set out to shop today instead.

I've had a harder time tracking my meal plans the last few weeks, so I'm keeping it simple tonight. :)

  • Sunday: out and groceries - went to a thai place (@yelp), Trader Joe's, and Fred Meyer.
  • Monday: Vegetable Broth soup with Tortellini, cornbread  (note to self: write up this recipe while making it for theredkitchen!)
  • Tuesday: Mexican meal with grilled peppers, quesadillas, low-fat corn chips, and whatever E thinks up that he wants.
  • Wednesday: easy dinner for knit night - probably microwave dinners or sandwiches.
  • Thursday: Asian meal with vegetable stirfry, chicken/tofu, potstickers.
  • Friday: Waffles (leftover idea from last week) with striples or breakfast links.
  • Saturday: probably out
  • Sunday: soup and sandwiches?

project365 for January

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(click to enlarge the image and view all at flickr (kdlb/project365)

At the end of last year, Lynda (@lynda)of digital woe mentioned Project 365.  I was familiar with it, because Rina (@Shelley511) had done it with special themes for each month.  Even though I was on vacation when the year started, I made special effort to start taking a picture a day. 

The first months worth are put together in the picture on the left (plus the first few days of February, just for fun).

My goal is to continue this through the year.  I've decided to focus on self-portraits because it gives me a subject, and otherwise, every little thing in my house might get spotlighted multiple times.  So rather than rule out self-portraits, I focused on it. :)

Plus, this is giving me a real challenge because I don't get dressed up every day with makeup.  And because of my illnesses, there are days when getting out of bed is the only accomplishment.  This makes it hard some days to be comfortable in my skin.  And I want to be.  Turning the negative into a positive! 

I'm never a person to go with one angle or consistent background for my self portraits.  I will try to make an effort to show interesting objects or knits or makeup or something to make the picture different. 

I want to get better using my camera, and even though I do use my iPhone for part of the pictures, I'm trying to remember to pick up the camera and find some lighting to make the picture nicer.  This has made me take more in process pictures of my knitting because I might as well while I'm plugging the camera  in!  Hopefully by the end of the year, I'll be a better photographer.

People on facebook (kristine.beeson) will see these photos as flickr updates facebook automatically, but sometimes slow.  You can also see the photos on my page that aggregates everything at kadyellebee.com or directly at flickr.com (kdlb).  I'm using flickr for this project because then I can tag them any anyone who is participating in project365 can view my pictures. 



...at a glance

kristine is a giggly geeky crafty girl, growing in faith and hope.