meal plans: 2-21-2010

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It's Sunday, and even though it isn't the normal grocery day, E is working late tomorrow so we set out to shop today instead.

I've had a harder time tracking my meal plans the last few weeks, so I'm keeping it simple tonight. :)

  • Sunday: out and groceries - went to a thai place (@yelp), Trader Joe's, and Fred Meyer.
  • Monday: Vegetable Broth soup with Tortellini, cornbread  (note to self: write up this recipe while making it for theredkitchen!)
  • Tuesday: Mexican meal with grilled peppers, quesadillas, low-fat corn chips, and whatever E thinks up that he wants.
  • Wednesday: easy dinner for knit night - probably microwave dinners or sandwiches.
  • Thursday: Asian meal with vegetable stirfry, chicken/tofu, potstickers.
  • Friday: Waffles (leftover idea from last week) with striples or breakfast links.
  • Saturday: probably out
  • Sunday: soup and sandwiches?

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kristine a glance

kristine is a giggly geeky crafty girl, growing in faith and hope.

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This page contains a single entry by kristine published on February 21, 2010 6:29 PM.

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