meals in review, week of 8/11/2013

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It's the start of a new week, and so I'll start by reflecting on last week. It was a week of some exciting food experiments, and several meals out to balance with the healthy small meals I cooked in. My husband E had a particularly busy week at work, and so his company bought them lunch, so the leftovers earmarked for him turned into leftovers for me!

Here's how the week looked:

  • Sunday, 8/11: cooking together day! brunch IN. Copied an idea from Slappycakes for a Sweet Potato sausage casserole with vegeburger, chia coconut milk, dave's killer bread ground into crumbs, and kale. served with scrambled egg whites and a salad. dinner IN: chicken patty, cauliflower, and cheddar cheese.
  • Monday, 8/12: Asian meal - miso baked tofu with ginger and garlic, egg foo young casserole with brown gravy, steamed broccoli, jicama, and edamame.
  • Tuesday, 8/13: 13th Anniversary! met for dinner at a local pizza parlor (Vancouver Pizza). I had honey wheat pizza with peppers and pineapple and a giant salad with walnuts, chicken, broccoli, and raisins.
  • Wednesday, 8/14: Mexican buffalo salad. Inspired by Sandy's Cream Buffalo Chicken Bake and Buffalo Chicken in the Slow Cooker, I did a version that I started in the slow cooker and then finished in the oven. Serves over cabbage and onions with some corn tortillas to eat the messiness with!
  • Thursday, 8/15: Italian: stuffed peppers and spaghetti. Intended to do zucchini boats, but peppers were on sale! vegeburger and cauliflower and cottage cheese with seasonings inside, some smoked mozzarella and puréed spaghetti sauce on top and baked. (this recipe may get posted in the near future!)
  • Friday, 8/16: leftover Italian, leftover Asian.
  • Saturday, 8/17: breakfast OUT: greasy egg white italian sausage omelet. lunch OUT: Chipotle chicken salad with pico de gallo and corn salsa. dinner IN: cauliflower with chicken sausage, baked apple with granola and ice cream.

In addition, I took a few bonus pics of my breakfast/lunch foods this week. I posted my recipe for Blueberry Fluffcakes to theredkitchen after more experimenting. I want to participate in parfait Tuesday on instagram, so I took a picture of that even though it wasn't pretty!

Slightly sassy quote from my Facebook this week:

"is that ALL you are eating?" vs. "are you eating ALL of that?" both interesting (read: crazy-making) comments to receive. eyes on your own plate, people everybody is different! :)

Coming up this next week is an interesting combo of easy things and ways to use what was is my fridge. Not rocket science or anything! I'm getting ready for my anniversary trip, so that planning (or striving to plan less and experience more while still having food and clothes ready for any situation...) will take up a little of my creative energy I bet.

Did you cook anything that you absolutely loved this last week? :)


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kristine a glance

kristine is a giggly geeky crafty girl, growing in faith and hope.

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This page contains a single entry by kristine published on August 19, 2013 1:20 PM.

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