cartoon kristine

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cartoonkristine-yarnings.jpg This is the coolest thing ever!  Amy (@amysnotdeadyet) turned me into a cartoon!  I'm a little weeble version of me.  I thought it would be lots of fun, so we did a trade - a cartoon for a shawl.  I made her a soft cotton version of the Wren Shawl in a beautiful purple-blackberry color.

wren amy chairdrape

Amy talks about her process in her blog post: Weeble Wednesday: Kristine Beeson

I took a few pictures wearing one of my favorite new outfits to give plenty of inspiration, wearing my own Wren Shawl to make it even more special and "me". 

kristine-wren-flying me and my shawl rack, "girly things for a pretty life" IMG_7406.jpg market-kristine.jpg
Amy added a lot of features to really bring the drawing to life, like the iPhone that really is usually in my hand, and knitting needles, and of course the pinky-red streak in my hair and shiny shoes.

Cartoon-Kristine is now part of the design on the Yarnings Podcast site, where she greets you friendily from the sidebar.

Now for the fun stuff:
I'm loving being a cartoon, it's been making me smile all throughout the process. :)

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kristine a glance

kristine is a giggly geeky crafty girl, growing in faith and hope.