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The Meeting Place

The Meeting Place (Song of Acadia, 1)

by Janette Oke, T. Davis Bun
Bethany House Publishers
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Set along the rugged coastline of 18th century Canada in what was then called Acadia (now Nova Scotia and New Brunswick), The Meeting Place re-creates a world that was home to native Indians, French settlers, and English garrisons. Such diverse populations did not live in accord, however. Instead, they were isolated within their own groups by a brewing political tension under the difficult English rule.

Amid such chaotic times two women, both about to become brides and both trying to live lives of quiet peace, meet in a lush field of wildflowers. Louisa, a Frenchwoman, and Catherine, who is English, continue to meet secretly through the seasons, sharing both friendship and growing faith.

The outside world does not mirror their own tranquil happiness, and the dreaded crackdown by the English throne threatens far more than their growing bond. In the face of a heart-wrenching dilemma, Louisa and Catherine strive to maintain their faith and cling to their dreams of family and home.

At first, I thought this was going to be boring. It wasn't quite the same style as Janette Oke's normal books. But it wove a rich tapestry of a story with the addition of T. Davis Bunn as an author. I'm so glad I kept reading. Because not only was I blessed by the story and the faith shown by the characters, I was sucked into a new series that I can't wait to continue reading.
posted July 25, 2005
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