Category: entertainment

TV 2009 fall recap 0

TV 2009 fall recap

It’s been a few weeks since I made my TV season 2009-2010 post and decided what I wanted to watch this season.  There are several things I cut off before I started watching, and other things...

TV season 2009-2010 0

TV season 2009-2010

I really enjoy planning out the new TV season. I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years and quite a few years on my blog even. (2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002,...

Leverage 0


I was actually quite taken with the season premiere and second episode of the new show Leverage on TNT. We watched them back to back this evening, and even though Christian Kane (of Angel)...

TV season 2008-2009 0

TV season 2008-2009

Once again, this year I reviewed the fall tv shows and made a plan on what I want to see. I’ve been doing this since college on paper, and on my blog since (2007,...