why is my hair pink?
I have dark brown naturally curly hair. With a pink streak on one side.
It’s really not for a shock value. It’s really not just me being artsy. It’s really not trying to be individual.
It makes me happy!
It’s one more way of expressing my smile as true. I feel pretty when I’m happy.
Okay, yes, so I do smile when people notice it, and I do like that it gives me a little extra creativity.
It makes me ME, the giggly geeky creative girl.
History: The change has been a long time coming, my geeky personality had seen
several tv/movies that captured my eye. So I had been trying to find
the perfect highlights with a hairdresser and we just couldn’t seem to
get a real red. Finally, the end of 2008, I got redder-auburn streaks.
It was too expensive to keep up, so through 2009, I started dying the
same streak spots with my own color. Then in 2010, found a pinker color
that lasts well. The last few times, I moved a little more towards
pinky-purple instead of pinky-red.
What fun!