July 2010 Archives

systems at home

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I took a class today from Tara Swiger about Systems in the craftybiz.  It had some serious debunking about the theory of systems, creating them and streamlining them. 

Although this was targeted at businesses, I found myself wondering what systems in business I could fit into my systems at home.  My daily routine that looks like this:

  • Monday: grocery and week planning
  • Tuesday: cooking and downstairs
  • Wednesday: crafting, library and craft room (Mental Health Day!)
  • Thursday: laundry and upstairs
  • Friday: money and office
That's a system, wow!  I've been perfecting this over the last few years, and it really works well for me to have these semi-structured ways to manage the housework that I need to do.  There are still everyday things that fit into these, but that's the things I think of when I start my day.

I'm looking forward to making more systems to help me fit my business into my household routines.


...at a glance

kristine is a giggly geeky crafty girl, growing in faith and hope.