I've done much less reading this year than last. Last year, I was catching up on a decades worth of Christian fiction (I read lots as a pre-teen and then didn't revisit the genre until a few years back). Although I'm far from caught up, I made it thru the collections of several dozens of prolific authors. I also discovered a lot of non-fiction - knitting, health/diet - last year.
So this year, I've been casually reading a little bit here and there but nothing like last years marathon. One of the barriers had been one of my prescriptions, which has the odd side effect where I don't always remember the final things before falling asleep. It happened a lot where I just don't even remember the section or ending of the book! I went to put a book in my bag that i'd set aside as done and even recorded in goodreads and I couldn't remember how it ended. Sheesh, how frustrating to have to go backwards until I remember where I was. So that has been a deterent. I've been spending time on my iPhone instead, doing crosswords or browsing the Internet before bed instead.
A few weeks back, we sorted the bookshelves and I've found a handful of unread romance and a lot of unread Christian books picked up from book sales. Plus, E has quite a few he owns that he's been recommending. Now that it's all organized, it should be easier to pick them out and spend the time.
I do have some Christmas themed books I should read or reread, and I think the Velvet series by Jude Deveraux will come along on my trip to CA because they are great rereads for the holidays - it's become a tradition for me
I do look forward to the day when I start to search out some new books to read but it may not be immediately except for the authors I'm specifically watching. It will be nice when I don't have to worry about nighttime forgetfulness as well!
December 2009 Archives
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kristine is a giggly geeky crafty girl, growing in faith and hope.
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