July 2009 Archives

my hair

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I've been torn lately.  My hair has been longer than it has been for a long time, and I'm attributing that to taking more vitamins could be making it grow.  But on the other hand, I've been wishing that I had a shorter "style".

I trimmed a few around my face last week but it didn't do much. 

And it doesn't help its super hot and I really don't want my hair on my neck, so I keep putting it up, and it feels so boring because my hair really only goes UP one way.

I love the pink streaks in my hair, and change them up a bit every time I do them.  The faded ones are more of a orangey blond, but it's not bad.  I added deeper pinky red underneath on a few this time, a little more like my friend Emilia as they pop out from below.

We are alternating between Buffy and Angel and two of my hair inspirations were in those episodes - Azura Skye's character of Cassie on Help (season 7, episode 4) with her purple highlights on blond hair.  I can't get that look without bleaching all of my hair, but so cool with the pop of color coming from underneath.  And then Alexa Davelos as Gwen on Ground State (season 4, episode 2) with her brown hair and red highlights gave me a glimpse of what I could *really* do with my curls and red.

So yeah, just a few random thoughts.  We'll see what I do next to keep it feeling fresh, especially with the Sock Summit coming, I've been thinking about my "look" more because I'll be around a lot of new people for a few days!


...at a glance

kristine is a giggly geeky crafty girl, growing in faith and hope.