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Universal Studios
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This movie was on TV tonight, and I missed the first 30 minutes, but still got to enjoy the rest.
For some odd reason, I'm fascinated by this movie and have to watch it when its on. I mean, I love disaster movies, but this one particularly captivates me. Maybe its just that I hadn't seen Sylvester Stallone in a good movie, and that intrigues me. Maybe there are SO many elements in it that scare me - underwater, floor dropping out underneath you, rats, and then the big finish with being shot out to the top of the water.
Its a bit surreal to see the last scene with them being rescued and to have the WTC buildings standing tall and beautiful behind them. What a beautiful backdrop, and how on earth could they not still be there?

Sylvester Stallone and Amy Brennemen

posted November 25, 2002
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