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Do you want to learn more?
Bloginality highly recommends "
Do What You Are" for more about your personality type (and how it affects your career choice).
you might also want to check out the Health, Mind & Body section at Amazon for more great books!
INFJ: "Catalysts for positive change"
Inhabit world of ideas. Independant original thinkers.
- Idealist (Intuative Feeler)
Searching for the meaning of life. Good job would be personally meaningful rather than routine. Gravitates towards organizations that promote humanistic values or jobs to help others find fulfillment
- Hierarchy of Functions: Intuition, Feeling, Thinking Sensing
- Dominant function: Intuative -> Interested in the meanings, possibilities, patters, and relationships and what they perceive than in specifics or facts.
- Auxilary function: Feeling -> Sees connections and analyse them in humanistic terms.
- Third function (opposite of #2): Thinking
- Fourth Function (opposite of #1): Sensing
- Introverted Intuative and Extroverted Feeling.
Need to find a way to express their perceptions. A good position that fits this term is a college professor.
The F would probably teach in humanities to help students develop and grow through understanding of material.
- Developing Thinking
Makes them better able to be objective when considering data.
- New Attitudes: Greater emphasis on fairness and equality, even at the expense of harmony
- New Interests: rights of others, stretegy games, elevating one's standards, striving to be consistant.
- As an INFJ, career satisfaction means doing work that:
- Lets me consider and create new ideas
- Lets me produce a product or service I believe in and am proud of.
- Done in a friendly and tension-free environment where ideas are seriously considered.
- Gives me adequate time to formulate and process my ideas so they are thouroughly prepared.
Secrets for success for an INFJ is learning to: Pay attention to details be flexible, be willing to act spontaneously.
INFP: "Still waters run deep"
Values inner harmony above all. Compassionate, empathetic, and committed.
- Idealist (Intuative Feeler)
Searching for the meaning of life. Good job would be personally meaningful rather than routine. Gravitates towards organizations that promote humanistic values or jobs to help others find fulfillment
- Hierarchy of Functions: Feeling, Intuition, Sensing, Thinking
- Dominant function: Feeling -> Dominent Feeling - have a strong drive to make decisions based on their personal values.
- Auxilary function: Intuition -> focus on possibilties both for themselves and others.
- Third function (opposite of #2): Sensing
- Fourth function (opposite of #1): Thinking
- Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Intuition
Introverted Feelings -> Need to feel good about what they do: Please themselves first and others second. Must believe in their job.
Physical therapy would be a good option. F would focus on patients total well-being, looking to help the client understand and work through psychological or spiritual factors involved with the pain (to use auxilary intuition).
- Developing Sensing
Start to focus more on the present moment, taking things one day at a time.
- New attitudes: becoming more aware of how things look, sound, smell, taste, and feel.
- New interests: cooking, building, careful attention to detail.
- As an INFP, career satisfaction means doing work that:
- Is in harmony with my own personal values and beliefs and allows me to extpress my vision through my work
- Gives me time to develop substantial depth to my ideas and maintation control over the process and product.
- Is done autonomously with a private work space.
- Flexible structure.
- Involves understanding people.
Secrets for success for an INFP is learning to: develop realistic expectations, value compromise, and not to take things so personally.
INTJ: "Competence + Independence = Perfection"
Perfectionists. Their strong need for autonomy and personal competence, as well as their unshakable faith in their own original ideas, drives them to achieve their objectives.
- Conceptulizer (Intuative Thinker)
Excellent at seeing possibilities, understanding complexities and designing solutions to real or hypothetical problems.
A good job would be one that provides autonomy, variety, and intellectual stimulation, and an opportunity to generate ideas. Must find work challenging to be satisfying.
- Hierarchy of functions: Intuition, Thinking, Feeling, Sensing
- Dominant function: Intuative -> Interested in the meanings, possibilities, patters, and relationships and what they perceive than in specifics or facts.
- Auxilary function: Thinking -> focus on inner meanings. Original, visionary, creative. T means noticing patterns and meanings and alyze them impersonally. Tends to be logical, theoretical, and systems oriented.
- Third function (opposite of #2): Feeling
- Fourth function (opposite of #1): Sensing
- Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Thinking
Need to find a way to express their perceptions. A good position that fits this term is a college professor.
T would probably teach in the scienes to use thinking to see the underlying percipals at work.
- Developing Feeling.
Gains a new awareness of how their actions affect others. They also reassess their priorities in more human terms.
- New attitudes: providing more emmotional support for othesr; cultivating friendships.
- New interests: volunteer work, personal therapy, writing, keeping a journal, expressing graditude.
- As an INTJ, career satisfaction means doing work that:
- Lets me create and develop original and innovative solutions to problems to improve exisiting systems.
- Lets me focus my energy on the implementation of my good ideas, working in a logicial and orderly way, and in a setting that rewards my perserverence.
- Lets me produce a product that meets with my own high standards of quality rather than with the personal likes or dislikes of others.
The secret for sucess as an INTJ is learning to consider practical realities, recognize the value of input from others, and balance your work and personal life.
INTP: "Ingenious problem solvers"
Conceptual problem solvers. They are intensly intellectual and logical with flashes of creative brilliance.
- Conceptulizer (Intuative Thinker)
Excellent at seeing possibilities, understanding complexities and designing solutions to real or hypothetical problems.
A good job would be one that provides autonomy, variety, and intellectual stimulation, and an opportunity to generate ideas. Must find work challenging to be satisfying.
- Hierarchy of functions: Thinking, Intuition, Sensing, Feeling
- Dominant function: Thinking -> have a strong drive to make logical decisions.
- Auxilary function: Intuition -> comfortable with the conceptual and abstract.
- Third function (opposite of #2): Sensing
- Fourth function (opposite of #1): Feeling
- Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Intuition
Introverted thinkers wait to understand and make sense of the world; they need work that allows them to make analysis in the most logical way possible. Often drawn to computer work, T is more likely to be drawn to programming to be able to use intuition to learn about new programs and creative ways to use the system.
- Developing Sensing
Start to focus more on the present moment, taking things one day at a time.
- New attitudes: becoming more aware of how things look, sound, smell, taste, and feel.
- New interests: cooking, building, careful attention to detail.
- As an INTP, career satisfaction means doing work that:
- Lets me develop, analyze, and critique new ideas.
- Lets me focus attention and energy on a creative theoretical and logical process rather than the end product.
- Is done in a flexible, nonstructured environment without useless rules, excessive limitations, or unnecessary meetings.
- Lets me develop ingenious ideas and plans and lets me delegate the implmentation and follow through to an efficient support team.
The secret for success as an INTP is learning to be better organized, be patient with the less intelligent people, and work at improving your social skills.
ISTJ: "Early to bed, early to rise. "Take your time and do it right"
ISTJs are the serious, responsible, and sensible stalwarts of society. They are trustworthy and honor their commitments. Their wod is their solemn vow.
- Traditionalist (Sensing Judger)
Down to earth and decisive. Need to belong, to serve, and to do the right thing. A good job for a traditionalist might be one that involves a relatively high level of responsibilty within a stable company that has a clear cut chain of command.
- Hierarchy of functions: Sensing, Thinking, Feeling, Intuatives
- Dominant function: Sensing -> trusts facts and specifics above all else. ISTJs are matter of fact, sensible, and businesslike.
- Auxilary function: Thinking -> focus on and gather impresonal facts, which they analyze.
- Third function (opposite of #2): Feeling
- Fourth function (opposite of #1): Intuation
- Introverted sensing and extraverted thinking
Derive the most satisfaction from performing work with allows them to use collected data in a practical and useful way. A T physician might go into medical research to use auxilary function, thinking, and work with the logical cause and effect of their work.
- Developing Thinking
Makes them better able to be objective when considering data.
- New Attitudes: Greater emphasis on fairness and equality, even at the expense of harmony
- New Interests: rights of others, stretegy games, elevating one's standards, striving to be consistant.
- As an ISTJ, career satisfaction means doing work that:
- Requires careful observation and meticulous accuracy, where I can use my ability to remember facts and details.
- Is done in a traditional, stable, orderly, and structured environment where the results are practical and service oriented.
- Requires that I adhere to standard proceedures, use practical judgement, and follow through in a careful organized way.
The secret for success as an ISTJ is learning to speak up, consider possibilities that don't already exist, and try to be more flexible and spontaneous.
ENFP: "Anything's Possible
Full of enthusiasm and new ideas. Optimistic, spontaneous, creative, and confident, they have original minds and a strong sense of the possible. Life is an exciting drama.
- Idealist (Intuative Feeler)
Searching for the meaning of life. Good job would be personally meaningful rather than routine. Gravitates towards organizations that promote humanistic values or jobs to help others find fulfillment
- Hierarchy of Functions: Intuition, Feeling, Thinking, Sensing
- Dominent Intuation -> Interested in the meanings, possibilities, patters, and relationships and what they perceive than in specifics or facts.
- Auxilary function: Feeling -> people oriented
- Third function (opposite of #2): Thinking
- Fourth function (opposite of #1): Sensing
- Extraverted Intuation with Introverted Thinking
Love possiblities; needs to be free to pursue as many options as they can. To be satisfied, they also need to express their ideas or somehow make them real. F psychologist would be more likely to focus on each patients feelings and values to use auxilary function of feeling.
- Developing Thinking
Makes them better able to be objective when considering data.
- New Attitudes: Greater emphasis on fairness and equality, even at the expense of harmony
- New Interests: rights of others, stretegy games, elevating one's standards, striving to be consistant.
- As an ENFP, career satisfaction means doing work that:
- Lets me work with a diverse group of people on a variety of projects motivated by creative inspiration
- Is fun, challenging, and always varied.
- Lets me work at my own pace and schedule with a minimum of rules and structure and the freedom to act spontaneously.
- Is done in an environment that appreciates and rewards enthusiasm, ingenuity, and imagination
- The secret for success as an ENFP is learning to prioritize, focus, and follow through.