monday has come and gone
Wow, today went by fast. I mean, I got a lot done, but the afternoon was over before it barely started.
I’ve been sitting here trying to find out which show is coming first tomorrow - they are doing a special cross-over All My Children and One Life to Live tomorrow. For most of the country, I believe the order is AMC -> OLTL -> GH. But here, its OLTL -> GH -> AMC. So I don’t know if I should watch OLTL to get an idea of what is going on in the crossover or if I should tape it and watch it after AMC. Silly thing to sit here wondering, of course.
It got warm today. The sun was shining, and the maintenance men pounded on the outside of the building for most of the morning. I couldn’t see what they did; maybe something on the roof? And they finally power washed my front porch. They missed me a few weeks ago when they did it, and I was sad because the neighbors porch looked all nice and clean, and ours looked crappy and dirty. I hadn’t complained yet, but they came anyhow.
Back to the forums, questions to answer!
Ya know what I like best about my journal? Its such a nice snap shot of what my days are. While the days all seem to include certain things, it makes me happy to record my books and movies along side of my journal entries.
My current days look like this.
Up at 9-10ish for some breakfast.
Back to bed at 10-11ish, read before sleeping
Up at 12-1ish.
Read email, blogs, and answer forum questions
Work on any various projects during soaps
Think about getting dressed/walking to mailbox/cooking/possibly a nap
E comes home, and we sit in bed and talk while he changes into comfy clothes.
Eat dinner, watch TV, sit at our computers
around 11ish, E goes to bed
Read email, blogs, and answer forum questions
Work on various projects until I start to get tired.
Play on the playstation for a little bit until I get more tired.
Go to bed between 2-4ish
Since I’m getting ready to schedule another doctors appointment, its helpful for me to write out my schedule so that I can see patterns. Hence the list.
It’s AMC - OLTL - GH here, and I’d get so mixed up with an AMC - OLTL crossover! Those are the only two soaps I watch currently and I already mix them up sometimes .
Posted by: Aubrey | March 23, 2004 11:17 AM