I have this knot in the pit of my stomach. E set up a dentist appointment for me tomorrow afternoon, and I truly would rather not go at all. E knew that, so he didn’t tell me until after he set the appointment up. Last time I went, I had to have 2 cavities filled, and I was so anxious that I barely could stand up afterwards. I don’t want anybody finding more flaws in my body, I have enough issues to deal with right now. Will you cross your fingers for me that I’ll be more comfortable once I get there? thanks.
I know the dentist sucks, but I had two cavities and because I didn’t have them taken care of, I had to have 2 root canals and some other stuff.
If cavities make you nervous, root canals would make you crazy.
It’ll all be ok I pwomise.
Posted by: halla | August 4, 2003 09:20 PM
I hope all goes well with the dentist. I have to make my appt too. I HATE going. I am just prone to getting cavities (because I didn’t take care of me teeth well enough when I was younger) so it seems like everytime I go, I have another one. Lots of positive thoughts coming your way.
Posted by: Jill | August 4, 2003 09:37 PM
I’ll keep you in my thoughts tomorrow. I totally understand that knot in the pit of your stomach. I get one too when I get close to a dentist appointment.
Posted by: Brandy | August 4, 2003 10:07 PM
it will be okay. just remember to keep breathing.
Posted by: jane | August 5, 2003 07:16 AM
I have one next Monday morning myself, and I am feeling quite the same way about it. I’ve got 4 fillings to endure but I know my teeth will thank me for it later (avoiding more major and expensive issues like root canals) Take deep breaths and close your eyes and travel to a far away place and try not to think too much about it.
Posted by: Simple Lady | August 5, 2003 09:48 AM
I’m thinking of you chickie.
Posted by: Melissa | August 5, 2003 11:44 AM
Wow! I know exactly how you feel.
Posted by: Paul | August 6, 2003 10:25 AM