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firebird extras

In honor of Zuly switching to Firebird, here’s a few links to addons that I like a lot for my browser of choice! (I’m currently on 0.6, build 6-7) I’m guessing I’ve talked about most of this stuff before, but I’ll do it again tounge out

  • Tabbrowser Extensions: adds a lot of additional functions for your tabbed browsing... I particularly like that it opens links with target="_blank" in new tabs instead of new windows. And it color codes tabs that are opened from other tabs. If you only add one thing on to your browser, this should be it.
  • All-in-one Gestures: lets you use mouse strokes to control browser activities. This is particularly nice for me with my tablet. I use it a lot for back and forward.
  • Web Developer and PNH Toolbar: adds developer options - easy ways to outline elements, view source, do page tests. Great addition to my favorite bookmarklets - some links to them below:
  • An array of other extensions that I use on a daily basis... Mycroft (which has a whole array of search functions that can be added), text links (wonderful for the MT forums when people don’t use the URL button to make their link to their site), trivial (a bunch of addons that are helpful), and more.
  • My favorite theme: Breeze. There are more themes for Moz/FB than any other browser I’ve seen.
Go nuts. ;)


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference firebird extras:

» Firebird - The epitomy of Geekyness from Bloggins
When browsing kadyellebee this morning...I was once again reminded of just how kick ass Mozilla's Firebird is. kadyellebee has elequently listed most of the best addons and stuff for firebird so check it out! I am most impressed with the... [Read More]

» Firebird - The epitomy of Geekyness from Bloggins
When browsing kadyellebee this morning...I was once again reminded of just how kick ass Mozilla's Firebird is. kadyellebee has elequently listed most of the best addons and stuff for firebird so check it out! I am most impressed with the... [Read More]

» Testimonial to the Great Mozilla from Hey! ...
... And a big THANK YOU to Kadyellebee for steering me to TabBrowser extensions plugin for Mozilla. Awesome, I tell you - truly unleashes some wonderful power, without which the above mentioned rave about the tabs wouldn't be nearly as cool. [Read More]

» Quick Links from Cantoni.org
Getting caught up on things… Home broadband usage survey shows that 31% of home Internet users have a broadband connection at home, up from 21% a year ago. That’s not too bad. In my neighborhood, our only choice is still... [Read More]

» Firebird Perk from And She Said
The more I use this browser, the more I begin to love it. Kristine is right, it's wonderful. Today I... [Read More]

» Firebird rocks from bent back tulips
You all know it. I'm guessing you've all been preached to on the subject. Well, guess what? Now it's my turn. Firstly, the basics. Why switch from Internet Explorer? Firebird is significantly faster than IE. Firebird can by default block... [Read More]

» Firebird rocks from bent back tulips
You all know it. I'm guessing you've all been preached to on the subject. Well, guess what? Now it's my turn. Firstly, the basics. Why switch from Internet Explorer? Firebird is significantly faster than IE. Firebird can by default block... [Read More]

» Quick Links from Cantoni.org
Getting caught up on things… Home broadband usage survey shows that 31% of home Internet users have a broadband connection at home, up from 21% a year ago. That’s not too bad. In my neighborhood, our only choice is still... [Read More]


Another good Mozilla Firebird plugin is the DOM Inspector (http://www.mozillazine.org/talkback.html?article=3216) - it’s the same thing that comes default with Mozilla (I’ve had a few random crashes with it, but overall it seems rather stable). It’s helped me out a ton while I was helping M work on her new skin.

For a list of some other popular extensions, go to http://www.neowin.net/comments.php?category=software&id=11853.

w00t! Firebird r0cks. I already had most of those sites, but you have some new ones I haven’t seen yet. Thanks for the linkage. smile

Thanks for the Tabbrowser link. Just what I was looking for.

The tabbrowser extension is the bestest thing to happen to a browser!
...and I thought Mozilla was awesome for having it! The new one blows it away!

Thanks for all of those, K! You’re the bestest bestest!! I’m getting the hang of Firebird. The tabbed extension makes it easier, that’s for sure. I’ll be looking into the other stuff soon, too.

Nice!! Thanks a lot, I really didnt have any installed before I read this.