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« happy bday kb! | Main | soft music ideas? »

good morning

Hi smile I woke up late, and now I’m sitting here listening to Lisa music and getting caught up on my news. I hadn’t heard any of the new Meredith Brooks songs until now, but there’s some cool ones! I didn’t know that the song on the commercial I kept hearing was her Crazy. I can’t tell you which commercial its on, but I know I keep hearing it!

Last night, I got all dressed, and we went to dinner at the cute stardust diner place. Its just such an adorable little restaurant, and yummy food, too. And it was nice to get out of the house smile I felt a bit skinnier last night, too, so that’s a good sign.

Its been kinda quiet in my neck of the blogging world—everybody must be getting busy right now! I made it through more of my links list last night and took out some bad links and that kinda stuff. I always feel more organized after doing that. I really need to point out some of my newer links because I’ve got some great ones that I’ve been reading for a while now smile

I laid in bed last night trying to think of a cool way to put my gift for my mom together. It was supposed to be for Mother’s day, but I’ll make it cooler and give it to her for her bday next weekend. I have a half dozen muffin candles, and I’m thinking that if I was to arrange them in a muffin pan (I have one that’s barely been used that I wouldn’t mind giving her; I can always get another one), that might be a fun idea... she could even burn the candles in that w/o needing any other type of candle holder. Maybe if I put some felt on the bottom of the pan so it didn’t click on the furniture? I wonder if I have any paint that I could use to decorate the pan. I think Lisa stole all my craft paint, but I might have some other stuff. And then in the other 6 muffin spaces on the tin, I could melt some other candles in there (I’ve got a ton of cheap candles around here) - I was thinking that if I took a tealight candle and then melted other wax on top of them, straight into the tin, that would make for some fun basic fillers so all of the muffin holes had something in them. The tealights would give an easy wick once I took them out of their metal tin, and I have a whole bag of those. Oh, if I do have paint, then I could paint the names of the muffins onto the tin so that even after she took the plastic off with the label sticker, she’d know which one she was lighting. I guess I should go sit in my craft closet and see what I can find. If this brainstorming made anybody think of other ideas, please do share!! smile

So that’s me this morning. I think I’ll go grab some cereal and then climb back into bed with my book for some rest... then its back to Blogstyles stuff... I’m redoing how I organized things while I add my new styles, and of course that takes longer, but will be better in the long run smile


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you are such an artistic lady! i am glad that you had such a tasty dinner last night. that should be a wonderful brithday present for your mom!

Just reading all that made me tired. Maybe I should go take a nap. laughing That idea for your mom’s birthday present sounds awesome and also reminded me that I’ve been slack about getting something for my mom, whose birthday is the 22nd. Thanks for the kick in the pants! luvyaflower

I’m so glad you like the music! smile

Wow! I wish that I was nearly as artistic as you! My mother would love something like that and I might be able to give her something similar in idea. Of course it’ll take me a few tries to get it right. Good thing I have until November! ;)

Btw, your site is a gem .

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