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todays thoughts

Today’s soaps were really good. That doesn’t happen all the time, so its nice to have so many episodes that moved me!

All 3 soaps were really good today. ATWT had some amazingly hot scenes with Dusty and Rose, and I’m excited to see what happens next. Rosanna and Carly had a fun conversation, and Ro starting to burn Craig’s suits was hilarious. I feel kinda bad for Allison, but she needs to chill a bit! Then on GH, Carly ate a bunch of cookies and giggled a lot with Courtney, and that was fun. The very end was pretty intense - That poor girl is in and out of the hospital so much lately! I felt so bad for Emily. I didn’t know that the procedure she’s going through (Lymphectomy?) was so urgent that if they found cancer, they’d do a mascetomy right then. You’d think they’d give the patient some time to deal with it after knowing for sure. All My Children wasn’t as good as the other two, but I’m so enjoying the Fusion storyline. I wish I had seen the end of yesterday to know what Carlos did, but I think I got the gist of it.


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you are such a riot! i am not a soap person, never have been, but your descriptions almost make me want to turn on the t.v. wink

Carlos didn’t do much at the end of AMC yesterday...just went back to Fusion and was talking to Simone. Not really a biggie. At least not from what I remember. I really loved the stuff with Carly and Courtney too, that was nice to see them having such a good time. Courtney is really getting the raw end of the deal here, do you think they are going to try and get her to think about not being with Jason because of all the pain it’s caused?? Just a thought, I hope not though, damn, it took them forever to actually get together! LOL

Carlos didn’t do much at the end of AMC yesterday...just went back to Fusion and was talking to Simone. Not really a biggie. At least not from what I remember. I really loved the stuff with Carly and Courtney too, that was nice to see them having such a good time. Courtney is really getting the raw end of the deal here, do you think they are going to try and get her to think about not being with Jason because of all the pain it’s caused?? Just a thought, I hope not though, damn, it took them forever to actually get together! LOL

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