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While I was up last night, I played with the commentleaders plugin until I got it working all happily! So if you are using the default skin, you’ll see the top commenters on the sidebar smile I posted at scriptygoddess how I combined some of the email addresses so that I could group_by email address.

And I played some Spider solitaire until I got sleepy again :giggle: I’m a very silly girl! smile


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» Correct Comment Leaders from Neurotic Fishbowl
Thanks to Kristine's simple instructions over at Scripty Goddess, I made a few queries in my PHPMyAdmin and combined e-mail [Read More]

» Correct Comment Leaders from Neurotic Fishbowl
Thanks to Kristine's simple instructions over at Scripty Goddess, I made a few queries in my PHPMyAdmin and combined e-mail [Read More]


I requested something that did that over there just the other day. Thanks! luvya

I keep forgetting to tell you - at work I’m stuck on Win98 (IE 6) and your default skin crashes my computer in the most spectacular manner! Yes, the whole computer. Not just the browser - it takes it all down! I’ve never figured out why, and I don’t have problems at home where I use Win2000. Someday I need to figure out a way to get to a different skin without triggering the crash - or read everything through Newzcrawler!

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