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gh changes suck

Okay, so on General Hospital, yesterday was Vanessa Marcil’s last day, and that may have made me not want to watch the show any more. I love her, that’s no secret. But now this new recast of Lucky is stupid, and Jax is being a dumbass. So I’m not sure if there’s any reason to keep watching!! How many times can we watch Sonny and Jax fight? If Jason and Courtney get back together fast, or if something happens with Alexis, maybe it will redeem the show for me... or maybe I’ll watch ATWT, take a nap, and get up for AMC!!


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» bookends from tangled up in blue . . .
This is a really cool site. Borrowed from kadyellebee who is always right on top of the new fun things [Read More]

» OH GOD IT'S WORSE THAN I THOUGHT from Life in the Zu
HOLY GOD. Yeah, we knew it. The new Lucky sucks monkey ass. :wall: Excuse me while I go puke. :end: [update]And Kristine agrees. She even called Jax a dumbass. They have gone a little overboard lately with Jax and Sonny fighting. I'm not sure that Bren... [Read More]


I have to agree with you on everything you wrote. Of course, that won’t stop me from watching... because I’m an ADDICT AND THERE IS NO CURE.

At least the Alexis storyline has some interesting possibilities. The new Lucky... ugh. That’s just bad. And could Liz, Skye and Courtney whine anymore? Huh?

But hey—Ric—very sexy. Yummy. Yum, yum, yum.

Same here! I was so excited when I heard she was coming back and then when I heard she was leaving again, I was devistated! I do understand why she left though. Wants to have more time with her baby and the scheduling just couldn’t be worked out for her. Will still miss her though. She MADE the show as far as I’m concerned. I just wanted to jump through the screen and claw Jax’s eyes out when he turned her down at the alter. ARGH!!!!!!!

ok....give me a clue...how are they writing her off? i can’t wait during the day and I always forget to watch on soap net

I agree with you hon...it sux that Vanessa left, I understand her reasons...but damn, it’s just not the same having her there for a few months and now gone again! I think Carley is as wicked as ever with not telling Sonny what happened with Ric, then the thing with Courtney and Jason is really pissing me off every day. I want to reach through my screen and bitch-slap that boy! LOL I sure hope they do something sooner than later or it’s going to turn me off in a hurry! UGH!

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