Can I please stop having these dreams? They are so bizarre that posting them is crazy... But I remember so freaking much of it - hours worth of dreams. Ugh. I hate this.
Oh, and spider crawled across my desk as I sat down, but I didn’t catch him - its dark in here and I’m sure that any minute, I’ll find him crawling up my arm.
My bed was so nice, but it was in a classroom at Columbia. Megan and Leonard were both attending the school. I heard Heidi and Jennifer talking in the hallway, and followed Jenn to say hi, and she said she was waiting for Eric to tutor her in math. I had told E to bring my car with trash in it, and he showed up. I saw Leonard, who was excited that Sarah’s relative was starting to work at the school as a teacher. By the time I got back to the classroom where my bed was, kids were starting to come in for class, and they were trying to move all my stuff. My backpack was so heavy I could barely carry it. So I went to another classroom with a bed to take a nap. Kendall Hart was in there, and we both found snakes in the bed. Erica Kane was mean to both of us, David Hayworth agreed to stay with me after I got bit by a snake. After that, I went across the street to the church, and found Megan and Leonard watching a fridge full of Stuffed peppers in it, but not the meat kind (I asked Leonard and he said they weren’t). They were for Lisa because of some special diet. An empty fridge at my house (which I apparently lived at with my family) because I hadn’t shopped. Mom is angry at me in almost every dream; she won’t speak to me, except to yell about not getting food coming. A girl getting crushed by a crowd in her hotel room while singing, who we find out is Lisa’s future self. Lisa’s past self is a baby we find that we think is dead, but after touching its face, we find out she’s alive. 2 Lisa’s at the same time with 2 diff ages, how did that happen? And I woke up in the middle of this and tried to think of happy things, but the dream just kept going until I finally got up.
I had some strange dream where there were these creatures that wanted to eat my soul. Some other people’s ghosts were trapped and I had to try and help them get away. Sucky dream for sure.
Posted by: Kymberlie R. McGuire | November 3, 2002 01:10 PM