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friday blogs II

I did this last week, and thought I’d do it again because I was finding such great new blogs that deserve showcasing!

5 for friday - 5 newer-to-me blogs you should be reading!
this means they are still on my new :links: list!!!!

  1. kellycaldwell.com - I’ve been seeing Kelly’s name for a while, and finally took a chance to check her out... great blog!
  2. Unique Snowflake - Stacy is a really new read, but I really like what' I’ve seen so far.
  3. My So Called Life - I found GeekGrrl through my comments, but I think she found me from the MT forums Great blog that’s fun to read. With ALL the sizes of posts she writes ;)
  4. Red Headed Blogger - Camille has some great posts. I’m not sure if I found her in my referrals or what, but I’m glad I did. I’m making her a new header for her site tonight smile
  5. Keeping Things Whole - Katie has a beautiful new layout that she’s put up since I’ve been visiting. She also lives in Seattle which makes us have a Washington connection smile


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» Linkie Love from Unique Snowflake
kadyellebee Kristine at kadyellebee featured Unique Snowflake in her Friday Blogs II post. I have to say that I am [Read More]


I saw that you updated on my blogroll, and when I come by, I see my name in your post! How exciting! Thanks for the recommendation, your blog is one of my favorites!

thanks for the mention!! and a big thanks for offering to help me with my graphic. errr.. i mean offering to make me a graphic. i owe ya!!

i just posted my image you created! you are awesome! i absolutely LOVE it!!!!!!!!! thank you thank you thank you!!!!


Thank you for the very kind mention. I didn’t actually find you through the MT Forums. I found you through Robyns blog., who I found through Stacy’s blog, that I found through Google while looking for blog quizzes.


I read your blog daily. It’s nice to find someone else that updates frequently, and I *love* your layout and colors. It’s absolutely beautiful.

Thank you again. smile

I just found you via Camille (love that image you did for her ... it’s beautiful!) Thanks for the kind words!

Wow... *sniffle* I’m beside myself. smile Thanks for the comment, the link and, of course, the entire post. I guess my readership has gone from one to two. ;)


So you are in Seattle or just near somewhere in WA? smile

You’ve started something here Kristine, I’m doing this on a weekly basis too now, it’s cool smile Though the title of mine keeps taking the form of a Famous Five book of my own invention but never mind smile

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