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humpday dreams

It’s Wednesday/Humpday smile

I was telling E what I’d be doing if I was at home today, so I thought I’d write it down here, too smile

If I was at home and had a car, I would go to Fred Meyers and scope out the bookshelf/shelving stuff that they have. I’d look for unobtrusive ways to attach them to the wall, and some hinges, and easy to mount florescent lights - all for my closet project. Then I’d visit Craft Warehouse and browse the aisle for hours, just getting ideas and collecting my thoughts.

If I was just at home today, I’d sort more of my closet, write a nice long email to a very sweet friend, shine my sink, vaccuum everywhere, pull out my rubber stamps and sort them, and maybe watch some home and garden TV smile

But I’m at work with a cranky secretary - I can hear her annoyance out there in the slamming of pencils - she hasn’t said a word barely all morning. Uh oh. I wonder what I could have possibly done to piss her off.

I should get to play with Megan’s laptop today, and that will make me smile - I need to install Paint Shop Pro and some anti virus software, set up her email and some links in IE, and make sure that everything is working right. Yay! I haven’t barely ever played with a laptop before, so this should be fun smile Its only a few more days until she leaves - todays her last day of work!

This is going to be a good day. It needs to be. I got so much done last night here, and so I’m gonna try hard to do the same today smile This might be my last 5 day working week for a while, if I can get it all worked out. Woo hoo!! smile

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