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I thought those were some good posts as well. The more I think about it, the more I think I’ll probably stick with what I know (MT). No matter what I choose as my system, I’m fairly certain I’m going to back up everything this summer and start from scratch. I have a better idea of how I want to organize things and design my sites now than I did a couple of years ago when I first installed MT.

I was always going to stick to MT, but the more I read, the more I’m thinking I may upgrade anyway, despite my vehemence.

I have had a little play with MT3 and everybody is right, this release is an under-the-bonnet alteration and not a fully featured change. The comments system definitely has my attention...it looks interesting.

What I would enjoy seeing, and will probably post this in the suggestions forum...entries which can be dated ahead of time and then won’t show up until then, as so far all the hacks I have tried have failed to work sad I’m not sure how possible this is with the current MT archetecture however.

Jay’s post was really good, I think it helped people calm down.

I was, to be honest, a little taken aback at the licensing scheme. It led to me seriously considering making the jump to either WordPress or Textpatten. Knee-jerk reaction, mostly: "Oh my god, they’re charging money for this and limiting me to 3 authors and 5 weblogs!" (That was the old license, the one I first saw)

But then I read both Brad Choate’s and Jay Allen’s posts on MT 3.0D and calmed down. Rationally, I’m unlikely to ever have more than 2 authors and probably 2-3 blogs.

I’ve also realized that I have made such an investment of time and energy customizing MT to work precisely the way I wanted, that any change would cost me more in time and energy than I would save in paying for a personal license, especially after I factored in my previous donation. Time, to a frazzled law student, is probably more precious than money, after all.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that these links have helped this law student calm down just a few weeks before his exams, and that is really something. Thanks.

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